I highly recommend you all check out Bold + Italic, and consider submitting as they prepare their third issue. I thank the editors for nominating my poem, “Quarters,” for a Pushcart Prize. This only motivates me as I continue to write, imagine, and explore.

Hope all is well, and have a good day. – Kristine.

Bold + Italic

So to begin with, your little e-magazine here has brought forth its second issue with quite a success, but we had left something a little missing for you — the Featured Poems(s) segment of Issue 02, particularly; and we’ve readied ourselves to show you what we’ve got.

The Featured Poems this time come up from Kathryn Maris’s third collection The House with Only an Attic and a Basement (Penguin, 2018). We’re sure you’ll those as much as (or more than) we did, but never lesser!

Read her featured poems, School Run, and Jesus with Cigarette, here!!!

As for the Pushcart Prize, as the title suggests, let’s tell you that we’ve nominated six items (as is the rule) for the Pushcart Prize, and those are —

from Issue 01:

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